Available via Graintec Scientific are various Kestrel weather meters measuring various factors to suit your specific needs.
Kestrel weather meters for provide reliable and immediate information such as temperature (air, water and snow), wind speed, wind chill, Delta T and more.
Check out a feature discussion for each variant under the ‘Models’ tab. More information with a comparative chart under the ‘Downloadables’ tab.
Kestrel 1000 Wind Meter
The durable and handy Kestrel 1000 is our most basic meter. If all you need is wind measurements, this our least expensive meter. Every Kestrel meter has the wind features of the Kestrel 1000.
Kestrel 2000 Wind Meter
The Kestrel 2000 Pocket Weather Meter is the most basic temperature and wind meter in the Kestrel collection, combining a user-friendly interface with highly accurate atmospheric data readings.
Kestrel 2500 Weather Meter
Similar to the Kestrel 2000 but adds in a pressure sensor for altitude and barometric pressure. A three-hour pressure trend indicator (an arrow on the screen showing the trend) helps you predict fish and wildlife activity and know when the weather's going to turn nasty.
Also available in Night Vision (NV)
Kestrel 3000 RH / Wind Meter
Targeted toward and practically required for wildland firefighters in both fighting fires and controlled burn situations. The lighter and handier Kestrel 3000 was a principle factor that changed firefighting equipment standards from the previous standard, the belt weather kit.
Kestrel 3500 Weather Meter
The Kestrel 3500 is the most powerful of the Kestrel 3000 series, measuring temperature, wind speeds, barometric phenomena, and pressure trends for up to 3 hours or even longer if needed. The Kestrel 3500 is perfect for the user who needs important weather data, but who does not require the ability to store the numbers for review at a later time.
Also available in Night Vision (NV)
Kestrel 3500 Delta T Meter
The Kestrel 3500 DT was designed specifically to meet the needs of agricultural professionals who require accurate, fast Delta T readings. While the Kestrel 3500 DT has many features, it is the only meter to provide Delta T measurement.
Kestrel 3550AG Spraying Weather Meter
The Kestrel 3550AG is designed to help you prevent spray drift, and ensure safe and efficient herbicide and pesticide application. With Bluetooth connectivity and in just one click, the 3550 AG allows the easy and instant capture and log of accurate, field-level weather data.